TwinEU General Assembly nr. 3 – Towards pan-European Digital Twins

TwinEU members participated in the 3rd General Assembly of the project on 17-18. December 2024, which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, hosted by ELES, the Slovenian TSO. Besides the regular status update and exchanges, the consortium partners got themselves busy in 5 different workshop during the 2 days. The objective of these were to discuss how the digital twins developed in the 8 demo sites of TwinEU will build up use cases that are relevant on a Europe-wide scale, and how they are going to work together as a federation of Digital Twins.

On top of this, in Ljubjana TwinEU had its first meeting with the external Advisory Board. This body consists of more than 10 experts representing organizations outside the project consortium – including European industry associations, research centers and other relevant business organizations. This way we recieved feedback from external experts, that will be extremely valuable in the further development of the project.

This meeting also marked the end of the first year of the project. It was a busy first 12 month for the TwinEU consortium, kicking of most of the planned activities of the project. This included the identification of existing digital twins, the mapping of overall 53 use cases that is going to be dealt with in the demos and the conduction of an extensive survey on the deployment challenges and barriers for digital twins. Altogether, these provide a strong basis for the most critical period of the project, starts in the second year.

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