TwinEU General Assembly: A bustling project start

TwinEU project had its first General Assembly on 26-27 June, wrapping up the first 6 months of the project operation. The project that has a target to develop the concept of the Digital Twin of the European electricity system gathered together its 75 members in Aachen, Germany to assess the progress so far and discuss the next steps.

It has already been a busy period for one of the largest consortiums in the HorizonEurope framework. This first period of the project saw major development in the preparatory work packages: the identification of the use cases within the project is a key component for developing the reference architectures.

As a result of the process, 32 different digital twins have been identified within the project, justifying the need for a federated model of digital twins for the European power system. This means that instead of thinking about one digital twin with enormous capacity, the different digital twins will be connected via a common architecture, creating pan-European solutions and use cases out of local or regional solutions.

During the first 6 months, the work kicked off in all the 8 demonstrators, preparing the field for their future actions in the 11 different related countries. These demonstrators will focus on different levels and functionalities to improve the observability and controllability of the grid, the optimization of electricity markets, to achieve a smart and coordinated planning and enhanced cyber-security.

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TwinEU project had its first General Assembly on 26-27 June, wrapping up the first 6 months of the project operation.


Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability together!


One of the largest consortiums to date within the Horizon Europe framework with 75 partners has launch ed: TwinEU project kick ed off on 15-16 January 2024 to create a concept of the Pan EU digital twin of the electricity system


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