New podcast episode: Adaptability is key

Interoperability, scalability and adaptability are the biggest challenges to overcome when developing the concept of a pan-European digital twin of the electricity system – told Ilias Zafeiropoulos (UBITECH Energy), technical coordinator of the TwinEU project to the latest episode of ENLIT podcast.

In this episode, we discussed with Horizon Europe projects Int:Net & DECODIT the significance of data exchange in the digital energy transformation of the European energy systems and how it is enabling a seamless transition to a cyber-physical system.

This episode was recorded in the media studio at Enlit Europe in Milan, where energy projects where at the heart of the event.

Alongside promoting trust among end-users, other key topics include scalability of solutions, interoperability, and the role of digital twins in enhancing the European electricity grid. Emphasis is placed on collaboration, leveraging open-source tools, and aligning efforts with EU regulations.

The discussion features:
Laurent Schmitt – Use Case Coordinator, EDDIE project
Stratis Kanarachos – Project cordinator, DECODIT project
Ilias Zafeiropoulos – Technical coordinator, TwinEU project

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