Project launch

One of the largest consortiums to date within the Horizon Europe framework with 75 partners has launch ed: TwinEU project kick ed off on 15-16 January 2024 to create a concept of the Pan EU digital twin of the electricity system

TwinEU is a flagship project for the implementation of the EU Action Plan: Digitalization of the Energy System.

Thus, it will leverage on a unique set of competences coming from grid and market operators, technology providers and research centres to create a concept of a Pan-European digital twin based on the federation of local twins so to enable a reliable, resilient, and safe operation of the infrastructure while facilitating new business models that will accelerate the reaching the European net-zero climate targets.

TwinEU will deliver a set of tools that will be demonstrated in 8 pilots across 11 EU countries, with the aim to ensure the replicability of the developed solutions in different geographical and market set ups testing a wide variety of use cases. This includes innovative tools and models for:

  • improved physical and cyber grid resilience
  • enhanced observability and controllability
  • advanced forecasting for optimized market actions
  • smart coordinated planning

TwinEU will validate the developed framework and facilitate common practice among system operators, technology providers and market parties. The digital twinning is approached on multiple layers throughout the demonstrations in the field. Most demonstrations prove the urgent necessity of digital twins, which replicate the real grid and energy market behaviour.

Other blogs


E-World features an article to present how TwinEU will bring the network to the next, digital level


Federation of Digital Twins was in the center point of the 3rd General Assembly of TwinEU, marking also the end of the first year of the project.


We discussed about data exchange and interoperability in depth with Int:Net and DECODIT projects in the latest episode of ENLIT podcast.


The first TwinEU Newsletter is here!


TwinEU project had its first General Assembly on 26-27 June, wrapping up the first 6 months of the project operation.


Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability together!


One of the largest consortiums to date within the Horizon Europe framework with 75 partners has launch ed: TwinEU project kick ed off on 15-16 January 2024 to create a concept of the Pan EU digital twin of the electricity system


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