Digital Twins: Enhancing power grids

E-World, one of Europe’s largest energy & utility fair featured an article in their official event magazin E-World PReview on how digital twins will enhance power grids, for which TwinEU is a perfect example. In many of the project pilots TwinEU demonstrates how digital twins can bring power grids to the next level, adding a cyber-layer to the physical assets of the system.

In the E-World PReview article, we present this via the Hungarian Demo, in which the partners of the Hungarian demo are using digital twins to develop virtual grid sensors to enhance the coverage and performance of the physical ones. Thus, this will largely improve grid observability while providing a cost-efficient solution to the grid operators.

On top of this, this demonstration will create a digital twin to optimize energy and balancing capacity markets trhough co-optimized market coupling. This effort aims to improve the interaction between the energy market and the balancing capacity market, using flow-based dynamic allocation methods to efficiently manage transmission capacity and improve market liquidity.

To learn more about the Hungarian Demo, watch our video with demo leader Bálint Hartmann (F4STER/Budapest University of Technology & Economics):

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Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability together!


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