Demo Areas

Driving Innovation Across Europe

TwinEU will deliver a set of tools that will be demonstrated in 8 pilots across 11 EU countries, with the aim to ensure the replicability of the developed solutions in different geographical and market set ups testing a wide variety of use cases.

The digital twinning is approached on multiple layers throughout the demonstrations in the field:


Digital twinning for cyber-physical grid resilience


Digital twinning for grid management, operation and monitoring


Digital twinning for forecasting and optimal grid and market


Digital twinning for smart coordinated planning of the grid

1. Iberian Peninsula [Spain, Portugal]

In this pilot, TwinEU will make use of a series of digital twins and a common framework for the interaction between them, oriented to enhance the security and resilience of the whole Iberian energy system…

Through the development of an integrated balancing market optimization model, the demo aims at providing actual and realistic scenarios for …

This demo will develop a digital twin-based based artificial neural network (ANN) conductor temperature monitoring for transmission lines, a co-optimisation algorithm with dynamic…

The primary aim of the pilot is the examination of the environment for the grid operators that is dictated by the rapidly growing penetration levels of the distributed energy …

The activities in this demo focus on key extensions towards grid monitoring, grid planning and an end-2-end flexibility management with focus on congestion management…

This pilot will take place in 2 locations. In Sardinia, a digital copy of the island’s power system will be updated real-time with the means of a digital twin to consider the real status of the physical…

The main objective of the demo is to upgrade the existing network operation and stability management process, which will be based on increased system observability and controllability…

This pilot aims at creating mutual benefits for TSO and DSO by providing computationally efficient and numerically trustworthy tools for anticipating and preventing…


Iberian Peninsula [Spain, Portugal]

In this pilot, TwinEU will make use of a series of digital twins and a common framework for the interaction between them, oriented to enhance the security and resilience of the whole Iberian energy system, from generation, transmission, distribution, energy markets to final consumers.

Expected impact:


Eastern Mediterranean region [Greece, Cyprus]

Through the development of an integrated balancing market optimization model, the demo aims at providing actual and realistic scenarios for enabling the interconnection of digital twins between the mainland and Greece’s main insular power system (Crete), as well as the islanded Cyprus power system.

Expected impact:



This demo will develop a digital twin-based based artificial neural network (ANN) conductor temperature monitoring for transmission lines, a co-optimisation algorithm with dynamic transmission line ampacity and intraday products and a market auction platform for transmission capacity auction within day-ahead/intraday timeframe to enhance the grid capacity and enable a more efficient use of that capacity, especially on the cross-border relations.

Expected impact:



The primary aim of the pilot is the examination of the environment for the grid operators that is dictated by the rapidly growing penetration levels of the distributed energy sources (DER). The pilot foresees the evolution of the existing solutions into the next high Digital Density era, to offer the adequate responses to resilience, proactivity and robust design. It will simultaneously allow the low-voltage level energy market actors (prosumers, EV chargers, aggregators, energy communities or DERs) the non-discriminatory opportunity to participate in the process of providing the services necessary for the proper operation of the system.

Expected impact:



The activities in this demo focus on key extensions towards grid monitoring, grid planning and an end-2-end flexibility management with focus on congestion management. The digital twin will be based on an existing solution, Intelligent Grid Platform that already manages almost half of the German DSO systems. The activities also include a possible extension of the TSO-DSO data exchange to provide better visibility on the available flexibility sources on DSO level for the TSO as well.

Expected impact:



This pilot will take place in 2 locations. In Sardinia, a digital copy of the island’s power system will be updated real-time with the means of a digital twin to consider the real status of the physical power system components in high-RES scenarios. The second location is a portion of the Rome metropolitan grid, an urban context with high population density, testing different use-cases, e.g. self-qualification for flexibility sources.

Expected impact:



The main objective of the demo is to upgrade the existing network operation and stability management process, which will be based on increased system observability and controllability. The controllability enhancement will encompass the development of a new fast-frequency response service, while on the foundation of the enhanced observability, real-time static and dynamic security assessment tools (SSA and DSA) will be developed.

Expected impact:



This pilot aims at creating mutual benefits for TSO and DSO by providing computationally efficient and numerically trustworthy tools for anticipating and preventing/mitigating instability phenomena under high penetration of RES and under weak network topological/operational conditions. Part of this pilot puts also focus on the development of the Control Room of the Future (CRoF) for transmission and distribution system operators.

Expected impact: